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Episode 300

The ITP found some success with Rapamycin Synergistic Combinations with Rapamycin, which you covered in episode 300. You briefly mentioned Acarbose and Canagliflozin in that episode. But what about Glycine, NDGA, 17-α Estradiol, Protandim, Astaxanthine, and Meclizine? How about covering those ITP successes?

Lycopene for prostate

The meta analyses on PubMed seem to suggest that lycopene is potentially beneficial for reducing the incidence and severity of prostate cancer. What is your take on lycopene supplementation?

peptides vs. protein

The idea that peptides get broken down to amino acids and therefore don't matter compared to overall protein consumption would seem to be contradicted by this study on burn patients: It would be interesting to get an expert interview on peptides vs. amino acid supplementation.

Metformin in an athletic type 1 diabetic

Confused! With 30 years of type 1 dm and endurance training (Ironman, cycling etc), now on metformin. I’m more interested in longevity and strength these days- what do you think about the cost/benefits here? I do notice improved glucose control, but what about muscle growth, lower power output due to its effect on mitochondria?

Protein as calories?

Why do we treat protein the same as carbohydrate or fat in the calories-in-calories-out calculation? In the lab they are all computed the same way - drying then burning. But this is not how the body processes them. Protein is used mostly structurally, fat also to a much lesser extent, carbohydrate mostly energetically. Is it time to rethink how we “score” these when determining the right mixture of all 3 macros to meet metabolic goals, in particular weight management? 600 “calories” of protein is not used the same as 600 calories of carbohydrate. It would be helpful to know what percentages of each macro are used for what purposes (acknowledging of course that this depends in the acute sense on current metabolic state). I’m extremely curious to hear your analysis. BTW, love the podcast and book. Please continue with this important work!