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Holos Prime Supplement

Being in the Wellness world as a Gym owner, Personal Trainer, and Nutritionist for over 20 years, I am often skeptical of supplements. I teach and live a pretty pure intake of real food from it's most natural state and tweak depending on impact and results from there. I am fortunate enough to have amazing local grass-fed beef, pork, and free range eggs from local farms. I was recently introduced to a new product that sounds great for digestive health and recovery combining bovine colostrum and AC-11. I am interested in your thoughts on this product. Thanks for your time.

Epstein Barr’s correlation with cancer and MS

I would LOVE it if you’d do a show about the Epstein Barr virus. It is at once absolutely fascinating and completely terrifying. There is legitimate science supporting the theory that it may be a necessary condition for the development of MS and it’s been proven to actually cause some forms of lymphoma. Thank you!

Double APOE4 a cause of AD

Although I kind of already knew this, the articles in the NYT and PBS this week hit me like a boulder. I’d love to know your thoughts on the implications of the cited study. For us double Apoe4ers out there, how should lifestyle interventions differ from your more standard recommendations? (Ie- keto vs Mediterranean diet, amount of sleep, types of exercise, etc) Thanks!

Is 78rpm the optimal cadence for Zone 2 cycling?

This new paper seems to suggest that 78rpm is the optimal cadence for performance at a blood lactate concentration of 2.0 mmol/L. What are your thoughts? Would it be most beneficial to exercise at this cadence? Dunst AK, Hesse C and Ueberschär O (2024) Understanding optimal cadence dynamics: a systematic analysis of the power-velocity relationship in track cyclists with increasing exercise intensity. Front. Physiol. 15:1343601. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2024.1343601 btw, I have extracted the formula into a spreadsheet here.

stem cell research

On special episode 300 you discussed stem cell injections and the lack of research. My husband has had two PRP injections from Regenexx for severe pain from spinal stenosis and he had miraculous results. Their blogs talk about a LOT of research in this area. They have two published studies on rotator cuff repairs. Additionally they do the stem cells in the Cayman Islands. I am a nurse and not easily impressed but I was blown away by their process and results.