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Episode 300

Really enjoyed episode 300 and have you guys ranked the evidence of various things. Definitely recommend doing another episode like this every now and then as I and I think a lot of others very much. Enjoyed this topic. Also, as much as Peter hates talking about nutrition I very much enjoyed him talking about this in the way he did because if he doesn’t talk about it then other as well and they speak or nonsense that he does so, I do believe he knows a lot about this area even if you evidence is not always the clearest, but if he doesn’t talk about it as well and he can talk about it more nuance twice so was a very big fan of that even if he isn’t.

Ongoing EBV in adults

Dear Peter and Team. We would welcome any podcast or interviews on the topic of recurrent Epstein-Barr virus 'flares' and Glandular Fever in adults or children, particularly when the initial infection was many years ago, even decades. We are finding limited knowledge in this space, particularly regarding how the pillars of longevity medicine (biochem, sleep, exercise, emotional health) can have the greatest impact. They are obviously all critical, but hearing an interview or AMA with your expertise would be very interesting. Thank you

AMA on Fe deficiency: Q regarding Zn2+

Dear Peter and team, Thanks for your AMA on Fe deficiency. The info. regarding the insertion of Zn2+ into Hb as a substitute divalent cation was very interesting, and new info for us. Thank you. We are now wondering if this could have some negative impacts on Zinc status, given that Zn is now required outside of its multitude other biological roles. This may simply be a theoretical consideration, but if you have any clinical experience where Fe deficiency has lead to inadequate Zn, that would be interesting to hear. We are diving into the research on this, after hearing it in your AMA, thank you.

Creatine & heart health

Are there any concerns with taking creatine supplement if you have HTN (treated and controlled) and elevated calcium score?

Parasite cleanse

What are your thoughts on periodic parasite cleanse?