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Female Pre-Menopause

My wife is a healthy 43 year old mother of 4. She eats well, exercises regularly, sleeps well and drinks less than 1 alcoholic drink per week. She takes no medication for anything. She has been dealing with terrible symptoms that her OBGYN attributes to pre-menopause. The symptoms run the gamit from breast pain, to sleeplessness to tremendous irritability, dizziness, menstrual cycle disruption and many others. She's tried several MD recommended supplements and some have worked for a period of time and then stop working. Her frustration is the lack of real medical advice and instead she's told that it's just the way it is and is going to be. She refuses to believe that. Is there any medical field that specializes in this that she could reach out to for resources? This has been going on for about 18 months and she's been told it will last several years. Thank you

Question about new study published APOE4 homozygozity represents a distinct genetic form of Alzheimer’s disease

I would like to know Peter's thoughts on this new study - Is homozygous APOE4 now considered deterministic? Should we not be testing for this? Do we have other studies that contradict these thoughts or is this the best study to date regarding APOE4? Is there anything we can do knowing we are homozygous for APOE4 to prevent Alzheimers knowing this information?

the Centenarian Decathlon

Would be good to see the list and hear how Peter uses it to help clients pick their top 10 things they want to focus for the Centenarian Decathlon. Is this list available to members?

Preview list of upcoming shows?

Could you list upcoming shows for members? Like a running list of upcoming guests and topics looking forward six or eight weeks.

Slow motion training

Is there anything to "super slow motion" training? At least one paper I saw says it's TWICE as effective than regular training, possibly because the time-under-load of the muscle is greater. (This was from 2001 I believe.) If that's the case, why isn't it the standard in all resistance training programs? Thanks!