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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Sleeping & mouth tape

Hi Dr. Attia - long time listener (2018!) first time 'caller' (asker). I have seen several questions about mouth vs. nose breathing, but have recently seen, and been pitched by health-conscious friends, mouth tape for use while sleeping to encourage/force nasal breathing. I was wondering if you (or matt walker?) had any views on the efficacy (or effectiveness I suppose) of either short term mouth taping or long term mouth taping. Thank you kindly.

Should calories from protein really be considered energy intake when tracking?

I've been tracking macros for a few years now, and it has occurred to me as strange that protein counts towards total daily energy intake. I seem to hear that carbs are fast energy, fats are slow energy, and protein is for building and maintaining muscle, creating enzymes and other things, but can also be an energy source (inefficiently) if needed. If that is the case, is our body truly getting 4 calories of energy out of every gram of protein we consume? If we are, how can a gram of protein both be broken down into amino acids for use in the body and still provide as much daily energy as a gram of carbs?

PCOS - exercise and diet

I was wondering if it would be possible to have an AMA or an expert on the podcast to discuss PCOS and diet or PCOS and exercise.

Statin-related CAC after statins

Statins increase CAC, albeit with a “stable” form of calcium. What becomes of that CAC if the patient discontinues therapy? Asked differently, if the patient begins therapy, is it a lifelong, non-reversible commitment? - Not covered in the AMA - No research that I can find Reason: If cofactors associated with increased cholesterol and CAC >0 can be addressed with lifestyle, then statins may be a mistake. Thanks

David Sinclair’s research

You’re always critical of how people misinterpret the scientific literature. Did you misinterpret David Sinclair’s research?