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Urolithic Acid

What are your thoughts and the science on this supplement for mitophagy, in older, active and healthy adults? (65+ years)

Nasal breathing and tested HR zones at odds

According to my most recent VO2 max test my Zone 2 training zone is HR 111-121. I can comfortably nasal breathe (while cycling) to HR 140. You’ve said in the past that you assume you are in Zone 2 if you can nasal breathe. Is that specific to you or just a generalization, or could my VO2 max test results be at fault?

Chronic macrocytosis

As long as I have been checking my CBC (~35 yrs) I have had an MCV 101-106. I am a recreational endurance athlete as an adult. I’ve ruled out hepatic issues and have B12 and folate levels WNL. I also experimented with B12 supplementation IM, SL, and liposomal without change. Do you know of any correlation between endurance exercise and macrocytosis? Aside from quashing my dreams of passing the WADA test and TdF, are you aware of any other tests I could do to determine the cause of this? Long term effects?

pea protein

Any rec's on brands of pea protein? And does it matter if it has rice protein in it since I eat animal protein food? Thanks

Sauna followed by zone two

I heard Peter say that exercise after sauna is detrimental. This seems true for strength or performance but is it true for zone two? It almost seems helpful or enjoyable to do Sauna before zone two but after something like strength or performance work.