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50+ Male Prostate or other cause

As a 50+ male I like for to please discuss uri e flow and starting issues. Also is the cause the same for weaker ejaculation? Is there a supplement proven to work?

High potassium

On a recent blood test it showed I have high potassium levels. I’m wondering if I should be concerned. I’m a fit, healthy 53 year old in the healthy weight range. I did start a low carb diet 2 weeks before the test. Thank you.

Strength training with sore legs

I’m a 54 year old woman who does full body strength training 2 times per week and hikes, mountain bikes or cross country skies three times per week. I am wondering if it’s ok to do leg strength if my legs are still sore from a particularly intense biking, hiking or skiing session.

Are zyns carcinogenic?

You guys covered nicotine already and it seems apparent that nicotine as a molecule does not pose a carcinogenic risk. What about the other ingredients in zyn pouches? Are all aldehydes carcinogenic?

Dexa Scan

Hi Peter, I recently got a dexa scan from Composition ID in Washington, DC. They provided VAT as both mass (provided in pounds) and volume (provided in inches cubed). In previous AMA's I have heard you discuss VAT in terms of mass, but I don't recall hearing you discuss it in terms of volume. Do you find the volume measurement important or helpful? Or should the primary focus be on the mass? (in my case the two seemed somewhat discordant, and hence the question). Thank you!