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#296 Courtney Conley: Overpronation & Long Ankle Ligaments

Courtney Conley said we demonize pronation, and that injured (overly long) ligaments heal. I have low arches. Podiatrists have told me that my ankle tendons are very extremely too long, and that as a result my feet are "just a heap of bones." Also, my posterior tibialises are allegedly too long. Different podiatrists disagreed only on which kind of orthotics I need, not whether I need them. In response to what the podiatrists told me, I've been trying to strengthen my feet and posterior tibialis for years. I deliberately try to invert my ankles and flex my arches when I walk or run. In a situation like mine, is it appropriate to focus on strengthening the posterior tibialis, and my inversion capability, and arch strength, and to gradually move away from using orthotics? On the one hand, it seems that I could develop the ability to fully support myself, but that's not what my podiatrists told me years ago. I've also found that podiatrists disagree with each other, so I really don't know what or whom to believe.

Baby Asprin

I have MTHFR and was told to take a baby asprin while I was having fertility issues and micro bloodclots at the site of pregnancy (only in the state of pregnancy). I was told to take it forever. Many doctors have told me it's not great for your microbiome. Some say it's good for cancer. It makes sense for me to take it in my eyes. But other doctors say I don't need it and it's not recommended anymore bc of bleeding. I think a MWF routine makes the most sense so I"m not over doing it since it gives blood thinning protection for up to 72 hours. Any insights here? I heard you take it and so I know you've thought about it, and I can't get any consistent feedback on this but in my gut it feels right. Thank you :)


If I'm 50, not yet in menopause, but have a fathe with heart issues and a mother with osteopena, would it make sense for me to go on HRT to offset those risks? I do have a sister with breast cancer but so far I'm healthy and good!


I'm hetero for MTHFR and my husband is Homozygous. We take methylated vitamins but our inflammation markers seeem high. I heard if you have MTHFR you hold on to toxins more . Can you tell us more about what it means to have and manage MTHFR? I know aobut homocysteine and I manage it but many doctors say MTHFR doesn't matter ;0

LP-IR as Sign of Insulin Sensitivity? Hba1c in prediabetics?

While OGTT can show insulin resistance prior to hyperglycemia, is it possible that LP-IR may be used in conjunction for better results, or for even earlier insight into insulin sensitivity than OGTT? Further, would love to hear more about the flaws in hba1c - I have wildly divergent hba1c and CGM values. Perhaps you could also cover whether or not the phenomenon of prediabetes in athletes (as measured by hba1c) is protective/benign. Thank you!