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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Achilles Tendon Tightness & Pain

Hi Peter - I'm an active 56 year old who combines nordic skiing, trail running, and bicycling for the aerobic portion of my training. I find that my trail running schedule is often impacted by achilles tightness and pain. Guessing I'm not alone in this challenge. I'm wondering whether Achilles issues and hamstring issues are related? How do you combat issues like this or tendon tightness as you get older? Thanks!


Dr Doris Day (a dermatologist in NYC) recently included TA-65 as one of her 5 supplements she recommends taking daily (others were the usual suspects - D, magnesium, etc). What was surprising to me was (a) I hadn’t heard of TA-65 before and (b) I can’t seem to find much of anything online about it. Even Reddit is eerily quiet so my question is- does it work, is it safe, is it worth taking?

Orthotics Usage

My question is about foot orthotics: I have been wearing custom-made ones on/off for the past ten years - to compensate for collapsing arches, although I am not flat footed - and am wondering what are your thoughts on this type of device? How often should someone wear them? Should I wear them in the gym when lifting? When hiking / rucking?

Rosuvastatin Affect on Male Fertility

Do you know of any positive or negative effect of rosuvastatin on male fertility/sperm quality? My wife and I are planning on trying for a kid in the next few months. I am on 5mg rosuvastatin to reduce my ApoB. I am curious if this has any impact on fertility and if I should stop use during this period. Thank you.

Layperson's determination of Zone 2 training

The advice about being able to carry on a discussion while exercising - one where someone else would know we are exercising - is a great indicator of Zone 2 for me. After replaying your conversation with Dr. Inigo San Millan (Ep. 85), you allude to Zone 2 as the maximum level where lactate is not formed. Could another indicator of knowing Zone 2 training limits (I'll use the example of being on a bike) be where backing off a bit when we notice the buildup of lactic acid in our legs?