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Whole Food Plant Based Diet

It has been stated that a whole-food, plant-based diet reverses atherosclerotic lesions. How do you interpret this data as opposed to the Mediterranean Diet?

Daily amount of whey protein

Is there a limit to how much whey protein is advisable in a diet? My liver enzymes have been slightly elevated and wonder if this is a potential causative factor.

Optimizing waste removal and impact of not doing it.

First I wanted to thank you for being a quality knowledge provider. You and your team discover, distill and deliver quality information. At age 67 I'm looking back at my historical practices and understanding that I missed some opportunities. I was always a short burst power athlete. Maximum muscle mass was in my late 40s. Triple bodyweight deadlifts. My regret is that I did not work more on range of motion and joint health. The last 15 years have been very painful with what is known as arthritis and inflammation. I'm asking that you and your team spend some time focusing on this healthspan issue. In the last few months I have been decreasing the impact of this affliction on my quality of life. I started utilizing pyrolytic enzymes, sleeping better (when possible), supplementing with collagen, eliminating nightshade vegetables, eliminating fried food, focusing on fiber, electrolytes and better hydration. It seems to be helping. Pain is going down and physical activity is going up. :-) I'm of the opinion that your current solution to longevity and healthspan are lacking waste removal processes. The lymphatic system is clearly as complex or more complex than the cardiovascular system. It's my belief that your statement on the value of exercise is nothing more than the operation of the lymphatic system (working the PUMP). You talk about VO2 max like most car owners would talk about horsepower. My thinking is that VO2 is nothing more than the horsepower of your lymphatic system PUMPs. The more time you spend pumping (moving) your muscles the more you pump waste products out of your system. Lack of movement = build up of waste and lots of different disease issues. We have 2 systems - Cardiovascular nutrient and energy delivery + Lymphatic system waste removal. As a comparison - Would you rather lose your electricity and lights or watch the toilet overflow and run down the stairs? Please help myself and other followers focus on how to properly maximize their lymphatic system, increase joint health. Thanks again

ApoB Decreased

Hi Peter, i have heard you time and time again indicate that it would be difficult to significantly decrease your ApoB levels without medication. Based on recent blood work, my ApoB decreased by 18 mg/dL in about exactly 1 year. I haven't changed much in terms of diet, exercise and lifestyle. I'm curious to have your thoughts on how this might have occurred.

Disaggregate the data

In "Outlive" you present a lot of data, but medical studies tend to be based on SHAMs--seventy kilo, healthy, adult men. Many, many studies show that what is true of men is not necessarily true of women. Can you disaggregate some of this data to show that your conclusions about "everyone" are true for both men AND women?