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Psychedelic therapy concern of anxiety induced heart attacks

What is the mechanism behind emotion induced sudden heart attacks in seemingly healthy individuals. I have an interest in the legal church of santo daime, legal psychedelic studies but concern for how individuals participating in ayahuasca events or psychedelic therapies can avoid an elevated risk for cardiac events. Are anxiety induced heart attacks as rare as exercise induced heart attacks? Can a person improve their health and longevity if their life consists of regularly having these experiences? The Santo Daime Community appears to have many older members but it seems there is a life long increased cardiovascular risk if you have panic attacks during these events. The religion if Santo Daime is legal and Andrew Huberman mentions a study that indicates the stronger the anxiety the more pronounced the anti depression benefits. At what point is there a real risk of death with anxiety or hallucinogen induced panic attacks associated with heart events in the general population? I hear zone five exercise is relatively safe, can this apply to zone five anxiety on psychedelics?

Ayahuasca and ADHD hyperactive or Autism Spectrum

Are there generally specific health risks associated with hyperactive type ADHD or highly sensitive presentations of autism with psychedelic therapies? I have observed a mildly concerning correlation with hyperactive ADHD. This is related to my other question about panic attacks and health risks, zone five and if there is a biological or psychological way to reduce or manage non psychotic risks with psychedelics. At legal Santo Daime some members become very ill while others appear very stable. This has been one factor observed among the multitude of possible factors. Thanks. Drug sensitivity differences also may be involved, however, hyperactivity or sensitivity appears to cause temporary experiences way beyond what's generally observed in the santo daime groups per observational study. Thanks.

Mental Health and Physiologic Events

Do mental health diagnostic presentations causally correlate with cardiovascular issues or other health events that impact longevity? I would like an understanding of health problems associated with each major DSM5 diagnosis. Thanks.

Zone 5

can regularly doing zone five cause adaptations in the brain that makes your brain very good at producing adrenaline leading to emotional dysregulation in response to general life problems? Can you get really good at producing adrenaline if you do too much zone five?

Latest treatments for osteoarthritis of the knee

Hi - I developed osteoarthritis in my knees when I was 35 as a result (according to my orthopedist) of injuries sustained during karate. As a result I can no longer engage in vigorous exercise and it has affected my weight and overall wellbeing. I've been getting very expensive shots of (Zilretta) but they don't allow me to run or play tennis. Is there a better treatment out there? Is there anything that will restore cartilage to my knee? Every option I've been offered has not worked, including PRP. Thanks!