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Plantar fasciatis, heel spur - longevity fact

Dera Peter, I really love your book Outlive! I red it in few days, I’m yout biggest fan! I really love what you do. Thank you for that! I’m 47 year old female, very enthusiastic about sports. For whole my life I’ ve been in sport, I’m fitness instructor and very passionat runner. For several years I’ve been ignoring my problem with plantar fasciatis and now I came to the point where I have to deal with it since it comes too often and stops me in even walking normaly for couple of days. I would like to continue running, especially beacuse I would like to increase my VO2 max, but my doctor think I should consider changing my workout habbits totaly because of my age and condition. I would like to hear from you more about plantar fasciatis and running, way of threeting it and when you should realy consider changing your habbits because of the future conditions might jeoperdize your lifespan and healthspan? How to workout in that case if you would like to continue building strength and working on a VO2 max? There are probably some cases of proffesional athleetes having the sam injury, how did they continue with their activity after some age? Is that simething usual for proffesional runners ot am I just abad statistic. Any information is good to hear from you. I’m really looking forward to AMAs. Very warm greetings from Croatia and thank you in advance!

Measure Progress: Lean Mass

How can I accurately measure the increase in lean mass at home to track progress toward gaining approximately 6 pounds of lean mass, as indicated by my recent DEXA scan?

IMST breathing exercises for blood pressure

Curious about the effectiveness and methods of IMST exercise to reduce blood pressure. I am 57 years old (female) and have slightly elevated blood pressure (cardio exercising, reduced salt, low/no alcohol, good sleep, 115 lbs, no caffeine, loosely following DASH). Thank you! Barbara

Why doesn't Peter do FMD / Prolon fasts?

Peter has cited that his main reason for ceasing water fasts was his interest in retaining lean body mass, and the difficulty that he has doing so on water fasts. FMD has been showing to retain lean body mass in every study Im aware of. Eg recently in Nature vs Mediterranean causing a loss. So... isn't FMD the best of both worlds? As an addendum, I'd love to know Peter's thoughts about adding Rapa to a fast or FMD. Is there a risk of nuking mToR too extremely? Or just make sure you wash-out with some padding days after the fast?

Fo-Ti Supplement and Red-Light therapy

Please address and advise. Many thanks!