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New eGFR calculations

Since 2023, race is no longer part of the eGFR calculations. How has this improved/degraded the current eGFR compared to traditional eGFR?

Are Niacin, NR and NMN harmful?

There is a fairly elegant paper in Nature indicating too much Niacin (and NMN and NR) can actually increase CVD. This paper comes from the Cleveland Clinic, a very well regarded hospital. Was wondering what Peter’s take on this is, as his thoughtful insight is most highly appreciated.

Sunlight and circadian biology

I would love a podcast on sunlight and circadian biology and the paradox of melanoma patients having low Vitamin D, the Scandinavian study showing lower mortality with greater sun exposure. For bonus points for bravery, I would love a podcast with Jack Kruse. He does seem to make a lot of persuasive points

Plastic toothbrush brush vs Boar hair toothbrush

Hi Peter, Recently a study came out that micro plastics are harmful. So I was thinking of switching my toothbrush as its bristles are made up of plastic. Which toothbrush do you think is better electric toothbrush made up of plastic bristles or a manual toothbrush made up of Boar hairs

Lean Mass Hyper responders

Since your excellent podcast with Dave Feldman many years ago, there is more data regarding the LMHR phenomenon. Has Peter’s management of these patients changed?