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Everything about Afib.. Treatments.. scar tissue issues..things you can do to help repair/restore the heart an after Abation! Blood thinners.. good / bad .. natural blood thinners? All things Afib !

Oprah and Ozempic

GLP-1 and others are lifetime drugs. With the obesity epidemic primarily in the US, can it really be called a “disease” if it is effecting one country?

Perimenopause and zone 2 (is it counterindicated?)

Dr. Stacy Sims is making vociferous arguments that Zone 2 is not really necessary for women because their mitochondrial system is generally healthier and more robust than in men to begin with. Further, she says Zone 2 is detrimental to perimenopausal and menopausal women because it spikes cortisol at a time when they most need to keep that down. According to her, most of the research on Zone 2 is focused on men and, if including women at all, pre-menopausal women. Is there any merit to this? Should I stop telling all my older women friends to do Zone 2 and focus on sprinting instead? Can you either interview her or clear the air for us on this? Whether she's right or wrong, there isn't much on the podcast about menopause or perimenopause outside of HRT, and that seems like a potential huge oversight, especially considering the aging population.

Intermittent fasting news flash 3/20/24 cardiovascular risk increases by 91%

Can this possibly be true? Do you believe the news it was ALL over the news yesterday. I currently fast for 16 hours a day and get as much protein in as possible during my 8 hours of eating and eat as healthy as I can during that time. How can that cause me Cardiovascular disease???

Exercise bikes

What indoor exercise bike do you recommend? I need to purchase one and would like to know which one/s you have found most comfortable and have the ability to monitor power output.