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Compression Boots

Hello Peter, I work with mostly amateur athletes these days. Many of them are both endurance athletes as well as alpine skiers. I often get asked if compression boots (i.e. Normatec and the like) are worth the money. I'm interested in your opinion on the topic from both a medical use as well as athletic use. In advance, thanks ~

Oreo cookies more effective than statins to lower LDL

Does this case report/study change your opinion of the significance of marked elevation of LDL in lean mass hyperresponders on a ketogenic diet. Metabolites, 2024, 14(1), 73.

Trazodone Vs Mirtazapine for improvement of sleep quality and day time function

Peter, When reading your AMA on sleep I took note of your use of Trazadone for the improvement of sleep quality. Frequent awakenings are something I have struggled with for a number of years, eroding confidence in my ability to sleep soundly. I contacted my GP (UK) requesting Trazadone, and he agreed my symptoms could be improved by taking the medication but instead issued me with Mirtazapine due to a 'better side effect profile'. My question is do you have any experience with Mirtazapine, either personally or with patients, and could you offer any insights into how the two stack up against each other? Thanks,

Maternal mortality in the US v the rest of the developed world

How does the richest country in the world come to have the highest incidence of maternal mortality?

Is detoxification BS?

So many things out there are said to “detoxify “ the body. Some juice fasts, supplements, sauna protocols, etc will help “rid the body of toxins.” Sleep with a castor oil pack on the stomach over the liver — detoxifies. Any truth to all of that or is it all snake-oil BS?