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KoAct for bone health?

There is a collagen + calcium product called Koact. Apparently there are a few small studies. Any opinion on it? 2. Coffee and bone health? I’m a 47yo male. I’ve been drinking coffee pretty heavily since I was 20. I just got a T score of -1.3 back, despite being a lifelong mountain biker, competitive skier and generally between moderate and very active. The only things I can point a finger to is lots of coffee and maybe too much beer in college, with maybe slightly low calcium, although I’ve usually had good nutrition as well. Vit D 25 came it at 31.

Update on Peter's use of Pendulum's Akkermansia

Peter mentioned he was using Pendulum's Akkermansia, I am curious to know what, if anything, has changed healthwise for him.

Circuit Training for time

How can you blend cardio and high intensity work? it seems as if working out for Time can be done either by the amount of time on the clock or the amount of reps you can complete each creating a different scenario. it seems that this account for pushing around 80 to 90%. additionally, with going for time or reps it seems like you are training your sprint energy system, right out of the gate and possibly right at the end of the workout. also if working out for Time and you incorporate heavyweights, you are going to have to stop and rest, which creates intervals naturally. Is it true that working out for time (rounds or number of reps) in a given amount of time incorporates some form of interval training, some form of sprinting, Some form of pushing a little bit harder than your last workout? It seems that if you are always very challenged and you show up and push yourself and you improve on the movements and your times and number of reps improve your hitting all sorts of markers that normally need to be planned out if you’re not approaching your exercise, competitively with yourself in someway. It seems that to some degree crossfit has popularized and made it fun to push yourself really hard, and become very uncomfortable in a communal setting. I also see the drawback to crossfit, but I’m seeing intervals and everything mixed together in a pretty complicated way that integrates a lot of the recommendations for exercise. I frequently made on peters podcasts and AMA’s about exercise. Is it safe to use “fun integrals” like this to simplify things?

Optimal Calcium Supplementation

Calcium is a difficult mineral for me to understand how to maximize given so many variables. I am a 60yo with ostepenia and no known ASCVD, but I recognize other will be interested in the ASCVD connection to calcium as well. Could you address the following: - best form of calcium to take (carbonate, citrate, etc) - whether to take it with vitamin D and/or vitamin K - what time of day is best - with or without food - how calcium impacts absorption of other minerals (such as Fe, magnesium, etc) - how fiber impacts absorption of calcium - how to recognize a good quality supplement I have difficulty figuring out how to manage all these variables in a way that maximizes my calcium intake for increasing bone strength Thank you.

Liver deep dive

I would really like for you to do an AMA or podcast all about the liver. You have said in previous podcast it is important for your AST to be less than 38 but what needs to be done or checked if it is not. I am 53 years old and I have never consumed any alcohol my entire life. I have always eaten extremely healthy, I am very fit and my body fat has been less than 7% for all of my adult life. I exercise daily. My AST and ALT levels have been in the 50s for years. I workout intensely with weights 5 days a week and I have read that muscle damage from weight lifting can raise your AST and ALT levels but does mean it is related to liver issues. I have been told that I probably have Gilbert’s syndrome because my bilirubin levels have been slightly elevated for as long as I have been getting lab work. I was wondering if this plays any role in liver problems. Are there any lab tests that will give you more information about your liver health such as GGTP and CPK? The Drive is my favorite podcast and I appreciate all the information you provide. I have implemented the recommendations I have learned from the Drive. I feel the liver is an area I need more information about. Thank you.