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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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I am a 70 y.o. 80 kilo male (177 lbs). You state that I should consume approximately 175 gms of protein a day over 3-5 meals. Let’s say I fast for 24 hours. I’m not getting any protein that day. So do I not work out that day because I won’t be able to replace my muscle nutrients? Very confusing. Since I’m new to your site how do I get an answer? I'm sorry but as a busy practicing orthopedic surgeon I can’t listen to every session. If you can’t answer via text or email I understand. Just trying to figure this out. Thanks. R

Blood glucose and zone 2

Started wearing a CGM and noticed that when I do zone 2 cardio my blood sugar drops gradually and consistently. Been down as low as 60 before stopping to snack. Not sure that’s normal but that’s a separate question. My question is since in zone 2 Im supposed to be oxidizing fat for energy does a dropping blood sugar mean I’ve exceeded zone 2 effort? Is there a relationship between blood sugar level during exercise and zone 2?


What should the target bands/ranges of a healthy (non-diabetic) person be? Tighter than 4-10 mmol/L?

How do you solve complex mathematical problems from a first principals basis

Hi! I love listening to your podcast it’s expanded my knowledge about medicine greatly. As an aspiring engineer I was looking for advice on developing frameworks to solve complex problems (particularly mathematical of physics based). I know this is outside of medicine but I think you explain medicine in a way that makes sense to me so I was hoping for the same effect with mathematics

CGM and optimizing blood glucose

I started wearing a CGM and have an average glucose of 105-108. I feel my diet is very close to perfect already - no sugars, lower carbs, high quality grass fed lean meats, oil, etc. What levers can you pull to lower your average glucose and when do you start to think about pharmacologic intervention.