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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Peter routinely talks about "hypercortisolemia" but doesn't go into much detail after that. To me, that seems similar to "adrenal fatigue" where we have no standardized values and is not truly a clinical syndrome. I would love to hear an entire AMA about how he defines hypercortisolemia, how he comes to that definition (just from his internal practice, or the literature), and how he manages that. I think that would be very helpful!

Relativity metrics sources (VO2 max, FFMI, ALMI, testosterone, visceral fat, etc)

Where do the percentiles of various metrics come from ( for example, what is 25th percentile for VO2 max in male 30 year olds?) Often percentiles are referenced, but I'm unsure of where to locate them for myself to use. Could comprehensive charts/ calculators be linked for this data?

Benefits or harmful effects of salt

Do you have a point of view on if there are benefits or harmful effects of adding sea salt to food & drinks? There’s mixed information out there. Specifically that salting food is bad but adding electrolytes (sodium potassium magnesium etc ) to water is good?

Does the latest Leucine research change protein consumption recommendations?

There’s no doubt you guys are all over this recent publication (below for reference): 1.Zhang X, Kapoor D, Jeong SJ, et al. Identification of a leucine-mediated threshold effect governing macrophage mTOR signalling and cardiovascular risk. Nature Metabolism. 2024;6(2):359-377. doi:10.1038/s42255-024-00984-2 As someone with CAD and familial high cholesterol (auto correct couldn't handle the terms) would love to know if your recommendations might adjust based on this research? Thanks, Your fellow Canadian

How do you view the claim that casein protein increases the risk of prostate cancer?

How do you view the claim that casein protein increases the risk of prostate cancer?