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Comparison of the Labcorp NMR LipoProfile Lipids Test and the Quest Cardio IQ Lipid Panel

Hi Dr. Attia, Thank you for your passion and dedication to informing people of all levels and ages on how to attain optimal health. Your podcasts and interviews are by far the best and most informative of any I have listened to. (I listen to a lot as I am a functional health coach and a health junkie). Several years ago (3/22) my sister did Labcorp's NMR Lipoprofile test because of some research I had found regarding tests for monitoring heart health. Her results were great, within optimal range for all markers. Recently (7/23), she signed up for Function Health and had blood tests that included Quest Cardio IQ Lipid Panel and her results were dangerously high. The results between the two testing companies are huge on all markers. (LDL-particle, small LDL-p, Large HDL-p, VLDL size). She thought maybe there could have been a mistake, so she tested again (9/23) with Quest and the results were the same, dangerously high. She also tested with Lapborp (8/23) and the results were great and within the same optimal range as before. I am wondering if you or a patient have noticed a difference with the two labs regarding advanced lipid panels as well. What could be going on? How could two reputable testing companies have such a huge discrepancy with the same lipid markers. My sister is so confused and not sure which one to trust. She can't seem to get any advice from either doctor. Any thoughts? Thank you.

dietary protein/leucine and atherosclerosis

What do you make of Zhang's recent article in Nature Metabolism, Identification of a leucine-mediated threshold effect governing macrophage mTOR signalling and cardiovascular risk, that suggests that more than 25gm of protein per meal activates this pathological process?


Would love to hear Peter's take on microplastics and what we can do to reduce our exposure to environmental carcinogens (or if it actually matters).

Nicolas G Norwitz :

Oreo Cookie Treatment Lowers LDL Cholesterol More than High Intensity Statin therapy in a Lean Mass Hyper-Responder on a Ketogenic Diet. Your opinion, for this 'lean' group?

osteoarthritis and exercise

Are there things that help mitigate and or delay, osteoarthritis, and it’s terrible impacts.? In particular, what can exercise do if anything to help, prevent, delay, or treat arthritis?