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Agatston Calcium Score and very vigorous exercise causing calicification

What do you make of recent research concluding that very vigorous exercise can cause coronary artery calcification? I am 53 and was recently found I have a calcification score 114 which is 87%tile and an estimated arterial age of 74. I tend to want to push myself with running and extreme exercise. How should I think about this, eg with a muscular build BMI seems inaccurate for me, is coronary calcification score in the same status as a generally applicable risk factor but not for practitioners of very vigorous exercise? Or should I just commit to moderation in exercise?

STRENGTH Trial Omega-3

After listening to Episode 83 with your guest Bill Harris I think a few of us would have been hoping for answers. What is your take on the early cancellation of the trial and where that leaves us ?

Microbiome and Fermented Foods

I know you don’t have a great deal of faith in the efficacy of microbiome testing but a couple of years ago after a brush with one of the horsemen and the drugs required to send him packing a test showed very poor diversity…My diet is very healthy anyway but I’m convinced that fermented foods ie kefir, Greek yogurt, kimchi etc have helped me improve the situation. A more recent Zoe microbiome retest has now shown a huge improvement. I’d love for you to do a ‘deep dive’ the benefits or not of fermented food…

Back Pain

As a follow-up to your recent podcast on back pain, I would be interested in listening to an AMA on back pain prevention, things to avoid, things to do, etc. as your guest seemed to avoid getting into those specifics. To start, my first questions would be did anything you guys discuss change your training regimen moving forward? Will you continue doing deadlifts? Is a deadlift with a hex bar okay with correct form? How can you determine the max you should be deadlifting and squatting?

What percentage of protein is optimal

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