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Liver Health + Cirrhosis

Unless I'm missing something, it doesn't appear that there has been much discussion about liver health and in particular liver cirrhosis (which I have been diagnosed with), the US transplant list process and its pitfalls, etc. Perhaps a podcast with a leading hepatologist and how best to manage living with cirrhosis, diet, optimal supplements and the like would be worthwhile?! After all it is the largest internal organ and the most important in one's overall system!


Is HRT safe for women? Best ways to deal with menopause?

Uric acid targets

I'm a primary care physician in the UK, the British Society of Rheumatology recommend a urate level of <300 µmol/l (5 mg/dl) for all people receiving ULT, and our "normal" lab range in asymptomatic individuals is 360µmol/l (6 mg/dl). There are a huge swathe of people who sit in this grey zone. How do you advise your patients? Should we be approaching serum Urate levels in a similar way to other inflammatory markers? My feeling is that most healthy people I consult with have levels closer to the 220-240µmol/l mark? Would really appreciate your perspective?

Why isn’t Peter On TRT?

On the recent plates with dates podcast, Peter revealed his testosterone was around 380 on one of the tests. I would imagine many TRT clinics, even reputable ones, might suggest TRT with a test score in that range for a man around 50 years old. Is Peter on TRT? If not, what is his rationale for not going on TRT with his testosterone score in that range? I think this is an important question since many men with scores like Peter’s are being directed toward TRT, perhaps prematurely.

Does Trazadone impact / interfere with Propranolol?

After Peter talked about his sleep stack on the pod, I started taking 25 mg of Trazadone every night before bed and it solved my issue of waking up in the middle of the night. I've taken 20 mg of Propranolol for 20+ years to help reduce anxiety on days where I have a big presentation or am meeting new leadership teams (otherwise I don't take it). Recently, I've noticed multiple times that the anxiety doesn't go away and I've had some close call anxiety attacks during meetings and I'm wondering if the Trazadone might be using using the same receptor and therefor the Propranolol isn't working. Can Peter respond?