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CGMs and Glucose

For nondiabetics who exercise with a healthy diet, what reasons why mean glucose is 115? Assuming one is doing "all the right things", at what point are pharma interventions warranted and outweigh risks and side effects relative to vascular damage from high glucose?


I am currently using the Oura Ring. It shows my HRV between 28-48ish. When I look up up HRV on Google I have found that it lists “normal” numbers far different than mine. I was wondering is there “normal “ numbers? Is that accurate? What can I do to increase my HRV? Is the Oura ring accurate? It says my HRV number is that of a 55 year old. I’m 41…. My resting heart rate sits around 68.

Effects of circulating insulin independent of glucose?

Is increased fasting insulin in and of itself increase risk for vascular disease, metabolic syndrome, etc? Or is it that increased fasting insulin is a proxy for blood glucose dysregulation / increase and it's the increased average blood glucose that is the "evil-doer"? (There is another question below on insulin that ties in directly with this one)

Protein levels and mTOR signalling risk

A recent article in Nature Metabolism raises concerns about mTOR signalling and high protein. What is Peter’s view of this study and how to evaluate the risk?


I am a 71 year old male that was diagnosed with afib. Did not know I had it. I am a one on the Afib ranking scale, I workout 6 days per week , watch what I eat. I am now 5 months out from a Ablation ,the surgeon said I have some scar tissue on my heart , so my questions are 1) is exercise good 2) is there anything ( food/ supplement/ etc ) that can help make the scar tissue better 3) Should I be concerned with my Heart rate going into Zone 3 ..4). Is there a good natural replacement for blood thinners.I am on a blood thinner which will be evaluated at the 6 month mark whether to come off the blood thinner, I made it 71 years without any medication ,so my goal is to get off the blood thinner