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At Home Blood Testing

Are these companies legit? Do you have any recommendations or suggestions on how best to go about testing my blood more regularly? My HMO provides zero proactive efforts to help me track my ApoB - I don’t want to wait two month to see what changes are happening now that I’ve been on a 40 mg statin for two months. You suggest a 10 mg max, which I’ve asked to be switched to in addition to a pks9 inhibitor. Thx!

Zone 2 - Talking Test

Hi, You mentioned recently that a good estimate for zone 2 is the "talk test". If your respiratory fitness is much higher than your leg muscle endurance, is the talk test still an accurate measure for Zone 2? Does the fatigue in my legs equate to higher levels of lactate?

Steve Maxwell & Exercise Longevity/Intelligence

Have you considered interviewing Steve Maxwell? He's an American jiu jitsu pioneer and still rolling in his 70s. His current goal is exercising intelligently to avoid injury which would seem to complement your philosophy? See: as well as his appearances on Joe Rogan's podcast as well. I loved the Stuart McGill episode!

Pre and post surgery nutrition to minimize muscle loss

Dear Peter, This year I am having two surgeries and I wanted to ask for your input with regards to pre- and post operative nutrition and supplementation to minimize muscle loss. In particular recent studies around fish oil and Essential Amino Acids. Thank you!

Putting on muscle mass

Hi! I read the book eight months ago and have been hitting the gym five times a week since. I'm 52 and in pretty good shape. However, I'm finding it hard to put on muscle mass. My weight has remained the same and, though I see changes in my body, my overall mass doesn't seem to be going up. As an active person engaged in resistance training is this primarily a protein thing? Thanks!