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One more question about HRT

Is there an age that a woman should stop using HRT, estradial in particular. Can you use this stuff into the 80's and the 90's. Is there an association with cardiovascular disease and stroke, you mostly talked about breast cancer. age 79

British Rowing training matrix for cardiovascular zones

Hi, not sure if you have seen this before but British Rowing have a training matrix they use for classifying intensity zones for their athletes: For someone using rowing as their primary modality for Zone 2 and Zone 5 training, is the matrix a useful tool? For example, on the part 2 podcast with Inigo San Milan, it was mentioned that guide heart rate is between 70 - 80% of max heart rate and that differs somewhat from traditional recommendations, regardless of the formula used to define Zone 2, and using the British rowing matrix as an additional data point, it would seem that the recommendation is still abit high? Thanks

Low and declining BMD for post menopausal women who missed HRT

I am a 64 year old Post menopausal women who missed out on HRT. Excellent diet and fitness including resistance training. Is Zoledronic acid an answer ? Is it safe? How long can it be used for ? What other alternatives are available? You have a solid fan base in this cohort and any information would be much appreciated. Thank you !

optimal ferritin level

In your Early course you've set 30 - 400 ng/mL as the target range for ferritin. In seeking 'optimal' levels as opposed to avoiding deficiency, is there consideration for targeting a higher ferritin level? Say, above 100 ng/mL while avoiding excess?

HMB Supplement use

Have you ever looked into the supplement HMB to prevent muscle loss? I recently tried it after a knee surgery and it seems to have done a pretty good job preserving muscle while I healed.