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Research Artcles

Hi Dr Attia. I used to have access to a medical library in the past. Loved reading new research and cutting edge science. I have no idea where I could go now to access those journals. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks


I read your article on iron deficiency anemia. Myoglobin is for oxygen storage in muscle tissue and does not transport oxygen. It seems as though iron deficiency affecting myoglobin may directly effect exercise performance, as much if not more than its effect on hemoglobin?

Accuracy and precision of CGM for non-diabetics

Hello Peter and Team, moved by the big discrepancies seen here between ABBOTT CGM and ABBOTT glucose meter point of care, I found this recent paper (2023) published on Nature confirming that accuracy falls from diabetics to pre-diabetics to non-diabetics (PMID: 37634017). I also saw other comments here that contrast with what you said about the accuracy of CGMs (very high). Have you changed your mind on this? Or you still see a high accuracy? If so, what is your CGM brand?

Heartburn and Acid Reflux following HIIT workouts

I'm a 56 year old female mountain biker. In 2015 I developed reflux from too many NSAIDs. I cured it with diet, not PPIs and I've been great ever since. Very recently I've noticed Norwegian 4x4s and other sustained, hard intervals cause heartburn and keep me awake at night. Some quick searches show I'm not alone. I suspect I'm starting to adapt but I'm curious what if anything I can do to mitigate it. (Because I do enjoy going to the Pain Cave.)

Osteoporosis reversal without drugs

I’m reading that « Since osteoclasts and osteoblasts require instructions from each other to maintain healthy bone remodeling, osteoporosis drugs that force a decrease in osteoclasts also impact osteoblasts. This limits the ability of osteoporosis drugs to be useful, effective, and safe. ». In cases of acute osteoporosis are changes in lifestyle (diet/exercise/introduction of HRT) more beneficial/effective than drugs like Tymlos + Fosamax. I’m 65. An architect. Have a slight frame and crappy bones. Currently doing daily Tymlos injections and would love to stop. Thoughts please.