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Anticholinergics and Epidemiological Studies

Do you have any take on epidemiological studies of anticholinergics, particularly as they related to dementia? I found the paper Anticholinergic Drug Exposure and the Risk of Dementia by Dr. Coupland Dr.Trevor Hill, and Dr. Tom Dening, MD interesting for the amount of data used and the attempt to isolate different anticholinergics. What struck me was the medications that found to correlate to dementia were treating conditions already known to correlate to dementia (anti-epileptics, anti-parkinson's), although there is an attempt to control for that. My interest stems from my wife's concern that her habitual use of antihistamines for many years before learning of the potential link.

DIY VO2 Max Measurements and more

What is the best "poor mans" way to estimate VO2 max, zone 2 HR, body mass, lactate, etc if we do not have access to expensive testing capabilities. I.e, how do we estimate where we are at relative to our age group using things we can measure at home?

Z2 - Which are better measurements, HR or blood lactate levels?

I am curious about learning the connection between HR zones and lactate levels. I test my lactate after runs and rides and have found that I can push harder than Z2 HR and still keep my lactate levels (via finger prick) below 2 mmou/L. I know the importance of Z2 training, but curious, which measurement is a more important indicator of Z2 measurement, HR or lactate levels? Thank you!

THC and marijuana

Are aware of any credible studies linking THC use and increased cardiovascular disease? Is use of a non inhalant route of administration better or worse than alcohol? I realize use of neither is best practice but with the increasing widespread use it would be a good thing to know either way for the general public. I recently saw several studies that did but have not read the study with the jaundiced eye you have.

What are is your opinion of plant-based diets specifically for people with high risk for heart disease?

For example, both in the China study and the Game Changers documentary [1], they claim that a plant-based diet has been proven to be the most effective at mitigating risk for heart disease, are these claims valid? And how do they fit into a framework for someone with a high risk factor, say high Lp(a)? [1]