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I'm a 59 year old competitive "hybrid" athlete suffering from IDA, your sentence that said a male over 50 should be considered as having colon cancer freaked me out, but I understand. I've had a colonoscopy and endoscopy this year (2024) and everything checked out. Training is hell, tired all day and HIIT training kills me toward the end of a 45 minute session. Started taking iron supplements last month, this weeks blood work shows no change, TIBC=473, Iron Sat=8, Iron=40, Ferritin=23, and HGB 12.7. My question. As an athlete yourself, what would you be doing if you were me? What should I be talking to my doctor about? Should I request a referral to a hemetologist? I have qualified for Hyrox and DekaFit world championships two years in a row and have competed and podiumed Spartan events for years. I'm not ready to give it up, I want to continue but training is hell. Also, how long does it take for iron supplementation to work? Your timing on this subject is amazing, thank you!

Peter's supplements

Is Peter still using Pendulum Glucose control and how is it working for him? He said in the AMA episode that he takes it 1ce per day but they recommend 2ce per day with meals. I'd love to hear his experiences and protocols

Paxlovin - Is it effective against COVID? Is it safe?

Was prescribed Paxlovin when I tested positive for COVID. Lots of bad commentary about it. My insurance would also not cover any of its cost. Is there good science behind its effacacy?

Unexplained low iron

Can you discuss the protocols for when the cause of anemia is unexplained? I am a post menopausal woman with adequate iron intake and anemia. I've gone through the usual protocols of celiac testing, colonoscopy, endoscopy and capsule endoscopy, but they have all been clear with no reason for the anemia. Supplements have put my iron levels into the normal range, but I'm curious if there are other things that can cause anemia.


I was thankful for the recent coverage of magnesium supplements because I’ve always been confused by the sheer number of the different forms available. That confusion also led me to be attracted to Bioptimizer’s magnesium product (Magnesium Breakthrough) because it claims to be so comprehensive. However, I’ve always been a little skeptical of Bioptimizer’s biohacky marketing. At any rate, I’m wondering if your team has evaluated the Magnesium Breakthrough supplement and if you think it’s worth the money.