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Deadlift dangers

Hi Peter and Team, Listening to your interview with Stuart McGill I wasn't sure what the takeaway was about deadlift. Was the advice that if your priority is longevity, better to avoid them or was it that going for the record is not a good idea. I appreciate the experience with power lifters but if you are not an athelete and not looking to be one, are deadlifts really that damaging? Thanks

Benefits vs risks of low iron

Peter, I understand you are going to have a topic on iron deficiency. I hope you will cover both sides of the low iron debate. My understanding is that the slightly lower iron level has been linked to a boost and longevity. Your article from today highlighted a possible risk of low iron which has to do with exercise capacity. I wonder how we can reconcile these two states. Thanks

Marathon fuel

Good day. Thank you for all your work and information you have shared with us over the last few years. Based on your podcast and book, I have committed to more zone 2 training. I’ve identified my upper end of zone 2 by heart rate, and more recently lactate meter testing. I am training for a marathon. If I plan to stay in zone two for the entire marathon on race day, is it necessary to take in significant amount of carbohydrates during the race? I’ve done a lot of reading that suggests taking 60 to 90 g of carbohydrate per hour is necessary. However, if I stay in zone two and can run on fat stores, are all these carbs necessary? Thank you for your time.

DXA VO2- the fitness diagnostics

I am an NP in Kansas. I do not believe we have these expensive tests businesses in our areas. My questions are regarding the fitness tests, what exactly are they and how to get them done. #1 DEXA vs DXA- is this the over 65 years old bone screening? Is it the same thing? How is it used to gain information about lean muscle mass? If answer is yes, Can I have my doctor order it at a typical imaging center and pay out of pocket? Secondly, I do have a RMR tester with VO2 at rest, so theoretically can I use it for VO2 max at peak of exercise. How would ever find access to these types of tests? How is business with this stuff in your big city?

Ditto on Red Clover

I'm glad to see one of your listeners is asking about red clover—In my experience, this is worth looking into, especially for those who don't want to take the risk of hormone replacement (for instance, they have Factor V Leiden). It seems to be a subtle but effective herb for some people. I see a lot of information online about how it may mimic estrogen, but I've also been told that it also can essentially "block" estrogen if there is too much estrogen in the body—so it is supposed to work if you have too much estrogen or have too little of it. Do you know of any findings that supports this notion?