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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Cold plunge, sauna and exercise timing

Hello Peter and team, Listening to your podcast has changed my life and I am grateful for you, your team and all the info you have been providing. I workout every weekday at 5 am on an empty stomach. My workout plan consists of 3 strength trainings days followed by 30-40 min of z1 on the bike right after the strength training. 2 days of z2/z5 training on the bike. Is it ok to do all those workouts on an empty stomach or am I compromising hypertrophy gain? As for the Sauna and cold plunge: which one should be used first and should one follow the other right after? Thank you so much for taking the time to read my questions and I hope you will have the time to either answer those questions during your AMA or direct me to whatever podcast episode. Thanks

Zone 5: going too hard ?

Is there such a thing as going too hard on zone 5? Assuming well-trained individual (Attia program for 12+ months, VO2 max in 90+ percentile).

Cholesterol precursor test (campesterol etc.)

How does one obtain the phytosterol test to determine if one is a hyper synthesizer or hyper re-absorber? I am aware Boston Heart performs in, but how does one obtain it?

Liver health

How can one improve their AST and ALT levels ?

"Good Hypoxia" vs. Sleep Apnea

Hi Peter, From the work of Ari Whitten, I read/listened that deliberate hypoxia (holding the breath for as long as you can) is a form of hormesis (strengthening the mitochondria through stress). From a past AMA with Matthew Walker, I heard (and am familiar with) the oxygen deprivation of sleep apnea being bad (a precursor to dementia and other bad things). Are these considered diametrically opposed views on oxygen deprivation? If not, how do they reconcile? Thanks