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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Electro Muscle Stimulation vs Blood Flow Reduction

Looking at these two technologies, they both seem to recruit more of the muscle including fast twitch muscles into exercise. EMS also seems beneficial for working on core muscles. Are there enough data on EMS to support its use in an exercise routine? Any other advantages, disadvantages between the two?

Blood donation have similar benefits (even if limited) to plasmapheresis for longevity?

There seems to be a suggestion in the literature on longevity and from several guests on the Drive that there may be a connection between either: 1) utilizing plasmapheresis to remove impurities in blood plasma that build up over time that the body can't seem to clear; or 2) receiving plasma infusions from younger donors can improve either longevity or end of life decline when done periodically. Does blood donation several times a year over a long arc of time provide some potential longevity/end of life benefits? Is there even enough blood plasma in multiple donations to equate to the 'detoxifying'/clearing of one plasmapheresis session? Thank you

Insulin resistant and impact on resting heart rate and HRV

Over the last two years I’ve been using a whoop to track recovery and health data. I’m also someone that struggles with insulin resistance (though not diabetic) and have to manage my diet to keep my blood glucose at normal levels. I’ve noticed that if my fasting blood glucose is elevated (+110mg/dl) it has a significant negative impact on my resting heart rate and heart rate variability. This adversely impacts my sleep, stress levels, and overall recovery. This is obviously just anecdotal but I’m curious what research/evidence there is on this point. Thanks!

Combining Atorvastatin and berberine

If taking statins to lower LDL_C, would supplementing with berberine be likely to - increase the impact of the statin on LDL_C, and - reduce the impact of the statin on blood glucose?

ApolB vs Ratio of A to B?

Hi- I’ve discussed my ApolB number with my doctor (107) and he said while we should absolutely work on bringing it down, he is more focused on my ApolA (162) to B ratio which he says is in a good spot. I’ve see. You write a ton on ApolB absolute numbers and targets but haven’t seen or heard much if anything on the ratio and would appreciate your thoughts. Thanks! I’m 45, not overweight, don’t smoke and exercise regularly across weights and cardio so this is literally the one thing that really jumps out to me as far as metrics. I do have some family history of heart issues (life events typically in mid 70s).