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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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I've learned that bisphosphonates are the most commonly prescribed drug for osteoporosis. At the same time, I heard on your interview with Eric Chehab that these do not necessarily build good bone and that irregular fractures can result. I can tell you are also a proponent of HRT for bone health. Can you tell me more about your thoughts on bisphosphonates?

Role of the glycocalyx

What is your understanding of the role of the glycocalyx in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease? What do your lipidology colleagues think about the glycocalyx? How do we evaluate it's function? How do we treat it's dysfunction? Do you think there is any benefit to supplementing Nitric Oxide? Cheers.

Why don't you recommend periodization in training?

While your general recommendations seem great for the untrained public, people following them for some number of years are going to eventually plateau and stop progressing, aside from age-related decline. Generally, advanced and later intermediate athletes have to periodize their training to continue progressing. It seems like many people might be benefit from alternating between focusing on strength or cardio while doing just enough work to maintain the other. Is there a specific reason you don't recommend something like this?

Water quality, filters and herbs and spices as medicine

Dear team There is a lot of information and media hype on water quality, sequestration of nitrates, herbicides, pesticides, micro plastics, metals in drinking water supplies, sewerage run off into river etc at present. An AMA exploring this, types of water filters with their pros/cons. Secondly, many focus a lot on whole foods + supplements but less time is given to pential benefits of herbs and spices. The recent generally accepted advice of aiming for 30 different times of plants per week, 'eating the rainbow', benefits of eating seasonal. What is the actual evidence behind this and supplements such as curcumin, garlic. An AMA or anything thoughts on this would be much appreciated. Many thanks

The cure to all ASCVD

Any thoughts on Cavadex(Cholrem) 10 week study(could only find one study) which showed reverse of arteriosclerosis. Molecules with structure that is able to capture cholesterol and removed from plaque or tissue.