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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Zone 2: local or global stimulus on mitochondria? Why is swimming not the best obvious way to improve the mitochondria in my whole body?

Does training near lactic acid threshold create a global or a local stimulus for the mitochondria in the muscles that are involved in the movement? If I choose to do spinning on a bike for zone two training will that improve mitochondria in my arms back in chest? In my brain? Why is swimming not the best choice for zone two training since it is more total body involvement in resistance and creating the movement? If the stimulus is only acting locally, why would I pick movement that uses mainly half of my body?

APO E4 status & hyperlipidaemia

What is the best strategy to follow in APO E4 carriers and their treatment of hyperlipidemia, given the complex issues of impaired Cholesterol transport in and out of brain cells (astrocytes, microglia, and oligodendrocytes), particular if LDL is only mildly/borderline increased - as this is frequently NOT addressed in patients as thought to be too small an increment to treat? (Though I understand now that having increased LDL in the long term, no matter how little the increase is, can be damaging for cardiovascular health).

Apo E4 status

It would be fantastic to have an updated webinar on the newest research findings in people carrying the Apo E4 gene in terms of prevention of developing neurodegenerative disease. (This is just my interest as the status is so common and as a psychiatrist I receive increasingly questions from my patients on prevention. Thank you


I recently calculated mine using my BodySpec DEXA results and it was on the low end. I have an exceptionally long neck and torso and was wondering if this could contribute to a lower ALMI and whether this is the best metric for me, given my pretty short legs?

A roadmap to strength training

Hey Peter, I recently read the book and been through a few podcast, especially #131 about stability and strength training. The podcast hit home and everything you and Beth discuss makes sense. My question for you is, is there a “Couch to 5k” type roadmap that you and/or Beth can put together for people to navigate through building stability before starting to lift weights? Alternatively what’s the path to have an individual evaluated for gaps in order to fix stability issues prior to lifting weights?