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Case study of 93 year-old champion rower shows "Outlive" principles work

I thought Dr. Attia should now that there is a published case study which is an excellent anecdotal example of how the principles proposed in "Outlive" can work in real life to produce a 93 year old athlete. Washington Post: Journal of Applied Physiology:

Amlodipine and other BP Meds

Amlodipine. Can you tease out the risk/benefits like you are doing with metformin and have done with statins? I heard a recent podcast about how you can breathe down your BP to a “normal range” when using the Sprint study method of taking it 3x in a row. What does this mean for your BP the rest of the time? I can do the same but my doctor is recommending adding Amlodipine to my Losartan because, according to him, hovering above an average of 130/80 should be treated- according to Sprint. But what does 40 years on these BP meds cause when used to treat these new guidelines for treating lower blood pressures for longer? You have advocated for the safety of statins and quelled many fears but what about BP meds? Can you tease out the data on those? Especially Amlodipine which is heavily prescribed?

Medicine 3.0

How does one go about finding a doctor who understands Medicine 3.0? He would not include the Apo(b) blood test. I had to get my cousin who is a doctor order it. I've asked for a Dexa scan twice. He says it is unnecessary. I'm a 63 year old male who regularly goes to the gym but would like to see where I should be focusing my workouts.

Supplements to support joint and soft tissue health

Thank you for your fantastic work and for curating so much wonderful research. I am a PT who works in the orthopedic world, with recovering post op patients and with a general population of lifetime athletes (if you move, your are an athlete). I've looked thru many of the AMA's and am working my way thru older podcasts, but I see very little about your thoughts on supplements to support joint and tendon health as we age. It may be that the research just isn't supportive or clear, but it is an almost daily question I get from my patients. My practice is expanding into what we call Beyond Physical Therapy - what happens after an episode of clinical care. Many folks are anxious about returning to previous classes or gyms. Within our practice we are teaching Yoga, Pilates, Essentrics, Tai Chi, QiGong as well as offering return to sport care that is out of the scope of insurance work. As I have aged in my practice life, I have a front row seat in how to maximize the moment we are in and stay as active as possible given some of the challenges that happen with aging. We have 3 action words for our practice: to remain Nimble, Loving and Courageous. That sums up aging for us. Thanks for all you and your team do!

Iron...Good or Bad in Aging?

Hi Peter, In previous posts, you've clarified the misconceptions around red meat and its health impacts. I've recently encountered some intriguing information regarding iron intake and its potential effects on aging. Specifically, I came across another post in the AMA section that references articles by P.D. Mangan. Then, references in actuarial calculators like the one on, which was mentioned in Bill Perkins' book 'Die with Zero' (thanks for the recommendation). These sources seem to suggest that there might be a significant link between high iron levels and the aging process. Could you provide your perspective on this? Are there any credible studies or research that delve into how iron affects aging?