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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

I am a 66-year-old Ironman endurance competitor and recently attended a seminar on Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy as part of a session on aging, sports performance, and recovery. The AVIV medical program founded by Dr. Shai Efrati in Israel and now located in Dubai and The Villages, Florida promotes using Hyperbaric therapy for medical treatment and peak performance longevity. They treat clients by raising the atmospheric pressure to two ATMOS and exposing the body to 100% oxygen. The program requires six weeks of treatment, five days per week, 2 hours per day. Do you believe that "the science" behind the hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatments provides reliable outcomes for medical conditions such as the generation of stem cells, boosting the immune system, lime disease, stroke recovery, PTSD, and improvement of cognitive ability? Also, the effectiveness of the treatment in increasing health span longevity, sports performance, and recovery? Thank you. I enjoy your podcast and look forward to your Early program.

Electrolyte patch

I have seen ads for Hydrapatch, which is supposed to provide transdermal electrolytes for endurance activities as an alternative to oral electrolytes. Is this an effective way of delivering electrolytes, or should I stick to oral formulations?

What should I focus on at 73? so that i can get to 100

Hi Peter, Love all you are doing for the human race and more specifically me. I'm 72 almost 73 and realized last September that i was not ready to get to the last 10 years of my life and have those final years be enjoyable. In September of '23 I started two routines one strength exercises and cardio training on a stationary bike. I do these every other day today have not missed one rep of these so far. I don't have a specific goal yet but just want to feel younger and like age is not taking over my general health. What and hos should I progress from here. I do not belong to a gym and do not have good muscle building tools in my house. Love to get your opinion on my next steps. I can sustain zone 2 today for about 10 minutes and to the best of my understanding my VO2 max is 18-19. Thank you so much for taking my question.

Rucking limits

Hi, I begun rucking a few weeks ago. Doing 10 lbs first, which was too easy, then 20 lbs for a few weeks, and I’ll probably go to 30 lbs soon, then hopefully continuing to progress. I love it so far, as it helps me control my glycemia (I’m a type 1 diabetic). My questions are: is it safe to ruck 5 days a week? Or should I space it more for recovery or other reasons? How about varying the weights, e.g. Monday/Wednesday/Friday heavier, and Tuesday/Thursday lighter? And I heard you mention 1/3rd body weight, but what would happen if someone progressed beyond that? Could it be bad for the spine or other things? Thanks!

Benefits of Sauna Blanket w/out Head Exposure?

Can one get the benefits of heat exposure (cardio, general, and growth hormone) from a sauna blanket that covers the body but not the head?