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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Continuous Blood Pressure Cuff

Peter, can you offer insight on the 'Aktiia' continuous blood pressure monitor. The efficacy and accuracy of it compared to other modes of monitoring blood pressure.

Slow-Mag calcium carbonate

You have mentioned that you are a fan of Slow-Mag. What are your thoughts on the stomach acid neutralizing effect of the calcium carbonate in Slow-Mag?

What Comes First? The Chicken or the Egg?

Hi Peter. I am a 57 yo female, overweight and menopausal. I've been listening to your podcasts for a few years, bought the book, and listened to Outlive on Audible. I take notes when I feel a podcast episode has something "new" I need to remember and I am putting my "map" directions together for my longevity plan. My lab numbers are pretty decent, so I need to work on the weight first and foremost. I am stumped though. I am sure many women in my predicament feel the same in this situation. To begin my quest to lose weight, not muscle, I did a dexascan and a rmr test. My rmr is 1350! How do I get 120 g. of protein in my diet and still lose weight with such a low rmr? Hence, my question, what comes first? The low calorie diet (chicken) or the sufficient amount of protein without counting calories as strictly (egg)? I fail to see how I can do both, but need to keep my muscle as much as possible in menopause. I hope to hear the answer to this question on AMA. I am at a loss. Thank you for all you do!

Heavy metal toxicity

How accurate is heavy metal testing and if we have metal toxicity (as outlined in an analysis of hair sample), how do we detoxify from it safely? Thank you.


Hi Peter, I'm a 52 year old man, 5'11" and weigh 219lbs and have just had my Apo b blood test and got a result of 150. I have no insurance here in the US but am a Canadian citizen and have made an appointment to see a primary care doctor on the 12th of Feb with a view to trying to see a cardiologist there as soon as possible. I'm very fit, work out daily, and ran two marathons last year. Despite that, I know I'm carrying at least 20 lbs too much weight which I'm currently on a mission to lose. I follow a largely plant based diet, have never smoked and no longer drink any alcohol. I know I should be taking a statin - which I'm sure I'll be prescribed when I'm in Canada next month. My question is, what else can I be doing in the meantime to stave off a possible heart attack? My wife and I have your book and are very grateful for all the information you put out, especially as being in control of our diet/exercise regime is our greatest opportunity to stay healthy outside of medical intervention which, without insurance in the U.S is depressingly unattainable to any meaningful degree. Thanks for listening, stay healthy. Warmest regards.