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The Art of sitting

There have been many comments regarding the dangers of sitting, along the lines of "sitting is the new smoking." Do you think there is a more nuanced possible perspective? There surely are differences between lotus yoga poses, bicycle rides, desk work office hours spent sitting, "passive" and "active" positions. Just like with standing are there in your view harmfull and healthy forms of sitting?

To gain muscle, a one-off steroid cycle

Thought experiment only: What if, at age 55, a person were to do a cycle of steroids for the purpose of building as much muscle as possible, so as to help with long term strength? In many people, it seems like the benefits would outweigh the negatives. Then again, I don’t know much about what taking steroids entails. (Also, I’m older than 55 and don’t think the pros outweigh the cons for me.)

Is there a good resource to determine grams of protein per serving?

I’m on a quest for an accurate list of proteins and how many grams in each source such as poultry and fish? How can there be differences for how many grams of protein are in a 4 ounce skinless chicken breast? Is there a credible guide or resource?

High HDL

I’m a healthy active 49 yo (BMI 20, workout 1-2 hours/day, no HTN or lifestyle risk factors) with recent lipid panel showing HDL 131 TG 40 LDL 134 Total Cholesterol 243 I know I need to ask about ApoB. What do you make of the high HDL?

Pneumectomy and effect on CV fitness

I had a pneumectomy performed 10 years ago and have severely reduced lung (and thus oxygen carrying) capacity. How does this affect my ability to achieve the same sorts of training goals that you generally recommend for others? Can I still maintain cardiovascular fitness with such a lower threshold of exercise capacity?