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TRT and Melanoma

Is there a link between the two? Uk study from 2021 reporting association.

Orthostatic hypotension

Does late onset orthostatic hypotension increase one’s risk for anything other than falls?

Are zone 2 needs different for women?

There is a @drstacysims who is saying women and men are different and women don’t need to spend as much time in zone 2 as men bc sex differences in oxidative muscle fibers, autophagy activity and metabolic flexibility. I am interested in your thoughts and a review of her science Thank you

Navitoclax effect on AD

In an article issued on February 1 2022 ( on, there was mentioned the effect of Navitoclax on Senescen Cells in Hypocampus in mice. Are there news on that subject? Thx

Infrared heat mats for reduced inflammation?

Do infrared heat mats designed with pulsed electromagnetic fields and layers of amethyst and tourmaline actually aid in inflammation and/or in exercise recovery?