Ask Me Anything

with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Continuous Blood Pressure Monitors

Private and Early Medical subscriber here: in today's Qualys #928, Dr. Attia mentioned a lack of a proper good blood pressure monitors on the market. My question for a follow-up AMA: what about the Aktiia monitor? It's available in Europe and is undergoing FDA approval as of early last year, ie, approval (and availability) in the US should be imminent. Many thanks for this and all Dr. Attia's live-changing contributions!

Stability Issue

I am 68 years old. Recently, I have been getting more unstable in my gait and have stopped my wine and beer consumption because of the stability issue. I have had a Ct scan and nothing showed. I have an appointment with a neurologist in April. I do not expect anything from this. My question, what exercise, diet, tests, etc. would you recommend?

Mounjaro muscle loss issue

My understanding is one of the big issues with Mounjaro weight loss is muscle loss. I am morbidly obese. I started Mounjaro in March at 380lbs. In June 2023, I had lost 50 lbs and finally found DEXA scan provider. I had 48% body fat. I just got a second DEXA scan in January my body fat was 40%. I lost 32 lbs of body fat and gained 5 lbs of muscle mass. This is so far off the the normal results from Mounjaro weight loss I was wondering if I should question the accuracy of the DEXA scan? I had been trying to avoid muscle loss by attempting to get 200 to 300 grams of protein daily. I also lift 3 times a week and do 2 to 3 days of water walking and swimming. I had hoped to keep muscle loss to less than 20%. Is it possible that I am avoiding muscle loss?


As one in 50 have an aneurysm but will never know it unless it ruptures or happens to be discovered on a scan, wondering if there are any impacts on long-term health and longevity for the 1 in 50 who have this condition? Does it impact the brain vasculature negatively?

Proposed Studies Bank

One of the repeated themes I’m hearing on the podcast is that there is a number of studies that you’d think would be useful to get done but for various reasons haven’t been. I’m curious if there is an appetite to make this into a list for people to browse/search. Perhaps it’ll stimulate some benefactor or labs to take one of them up. Just a thought.