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Cancer screening: Sample sizes and tests

Sample sizes of the magnatude in this article would be available only IF the enormous amount of already electronically collected data over these last 20 years are made available to be examined for specific variables specific related to each of the cancers of greatest frequency that you mention. However, Hospitals, Medicare/Medicaid, and Insurance carriers appear to prevent such this valuable data base from being used to gather critically important data. Instead this group who have been paid to collect this data refuse to all patients to own their own data. Oddly, after the US Government mandated electronic medical records, insurance premiums pay for this data, policy holders money pays for this federally data collection....the above groups do not allow patients to "own" their own data. This strangulates access to data and prevents any real "evidenced based medicine " from taking place. The field of Medical Infomatics is prevented from interrogating this data. This impedes access to the needed data bases. So: What is being done to make the "paying patients" owners of their own data such that the patients can authorize access and seek answers to critical questions that require large( actually any necessary size of) samples of data can be used to resolve these questions? Indeed, is anything being done to resolve this issue?

Novel peptides for weight management

What about looking into Imcivree (setmelanotide)? Seems like a very potent peptide for weight loss and energy metabolism management. In particular for people having MC4R and other genetic struggles with metabolism.

Cancer Recurrence Prevention

I appreciate all that you do in the name of prevention. But many of us have already faced cancer or other challenging diagnosis’s. Once the appropriate treatments are complete, how should we proceed, generally? For example, I recently learned of the positive benefits of vigorous exercise in cancer survivors, that it may lower the possibility of recurrence. I didn’t learn this from my oncologist (someone I respect, at Stanford), but from Dr Rhonda Patrick originally, and then on your show. I try to keep up with this, but even with a medical background (I am an RN, but with the worst career ever!), it is challenging to keep up. I am highly motivated, as I have two concurrent cancer issues. Considering the motivation and the medical background, also happy to volunteer to help out if need be. Just point me in the right direction! Thank you for your time

Supplement Quality

Hi Dr. Attia - I understand and hear your reoccurring statement that supplements are strictly personal and to be individualized but I struggle with trusting in the quality/potency of brands. Do you have a recommendation on how to evaluate supplements to ensure you are getting what is advertised? Do you purchase your supplements from your compound pharmacy, online, or at the grocery? If so, are there certain certifications you look for?

Blood Glucose and Cold Plunging

I recently started using a GCM. I have also been cold plunging for 6 month. I’ve noticed that my blood sugar will spike hard after 3 minutes in 40 degree water. My normal range is between 70 and 130. My average is 95. A1C in the 4’s and insulin around 4.5. The spike will range from +10 to +70. Highest spike so far was 203. From Outlive and your podcast. I know spikes matter. Is this a problem? Why or why not? Thanks!