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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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When it comes to being pregnant, there are several conflicting practices. Normally in America, raw fish is not recommended but in many other countries like Japan, sushi consumption doesn’t change. Same with saunas. Usually in America, saunas are not recommended but in Finland, pregnant women still enjoy their saunas throughout their pregnancies, and have even given birth in them.

What studies support Peter's zone 5 and zone 2 aerobic training protocols?

There are many recommended variations on VO2 Max drills. For example, alternating slow 6 minute runs and maximum effort 3 minute runs. Peter recommends cycles of 4 minutes at max effort, 4 minutes rest. What data supports Peter's method as being more effective, and how much more effective is it? Also: in the 90s we were taught that less than 20 minutes of zone 2 aerobic exercise per session didn't help at all. Has this been debunked yet? I ask as an urban commuter cyclist - am I wasting my time to get many small doses of zone 2 when I'm getting around town, often interrupted by traffic lights? Are dozens of sub-5 minute sessions of zone 2 per week worth bothering with, or should I take it easy commuting and try to find time to hold zone 2 for longer as dedicated exercise?

Exercise and antioxidants and Athletic Greens

Ristow 2009 "Antioxidants prevent health-promoting effects of physical exercise in humans" paper gave a convincing argument that high doses of antioxidants vitamin C 1,000 mg daily and vitamin E 400 IU daily inhibited at least some of the health benefits of exercise. Given this data, how do you approach antioxidant consumption especially with regard to AG1 which contains 420 mg vitamin C and 83 mg vitamin E (~185 IU)? Since you exercise daily and consume AG1 daily, are you at all worried AG1 is blunting some of the exercise benefits? Would there be an argument for removing or decreasing the antioxidants in AG1?

Anders Ericsson - Peak

Have you read "Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise" by Anders Ericsson and Robert Pool? I found it to be facinating and incredibly helpful in myriad ways. Will you please do a podcast with Ericsson or both? Thx.


What is your opinion of C15 fatty acid? I am seeing many articles that its benefits exceed omegas and we should replace omegas with C15. I would love to know your opinion of C15. Thank you!