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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Cervical spine preventative health

Peter has mentioned on several occasions cervical spine issues, but never done a deep dive. On the Joe Rogan podcast he mentioned using a Saunders Cervical Traction device, but I have never heard how he fits this into his routine or why. There are online discussions focused on upper cross syndrome, etc... and info on creating bulletproof shoulders. I suspect they are all related. It would be nice to have a deeper discussion on cervical spine prehab/rehab including the protocols on the Saunders device (pressure, frequency, intermittent or constant pressure come to mind)

Health risks of cooking with gas

What is known about the health risks of cooking with a gas stove and/or oven in the home? Is it enough of a concern that you would recommend swapping out a working gas range for an electric, or is it ok to wait until the gas range is in need of replacement?

Daily Probiotics doing harm?

I was cautioned in taking probiotics everyday by my doctor (based on a recent study)as they may decrease flora diversity. Thoughts?

Builing endurance

I am currently training for a multi day endurance kayak race. Our rivers are frozen and will be till hopefully April. Swimming is part of the plan now and was wondering if there is benefit from including sessions where reducing the number a breaths per length would help with mitochondrial development, cellular waste management etc ( Gilpin/Huberman podcast )

Sauna and Sleep Routine, what temp on the cold?

Regarding your AMA on your sleep routine (copied below), what temp and how long do you cold plunge? Any thoughts on finishing the contrast therapy with a sauna? Most literature suggests finishing contrast therapy with the cold. And how long does it take for you to stop sweating if you push yourself in the sauna? I find that if I push myself in the sauna, my HRV the next morning is low and I have some trouble sleeping. Do you push yourself? or get out before you're pushing yourself? * It is very hot inside a sauna (Peter keeps his at 198 degrees Fahrenheit) * Peter’s typical routine is 15 minutes and then a cold plunge and then 20 to 25 minutes * By the end of that second stint in the sauna, Peter is quite taxed and there’s a subset of the population for whom that might be a little too taxing