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Different Training Zone Calculators, which one is right?

Which Zone Calculator does Peter/Iñigo San Millan use? I've been using Matt Fitzgerals "80/20" Calculator method but I see that Garmin and other people use a different method for their zones.

When,Why, and If women should women consider stop taking HRT after 10+ years

I am a 70 year old female who has happily been on HRT for 13 years (I had to fight my GP to start). After listening to Peter on Dr. Rhonda Patrick's recent podcast, I was curious that they both thought that women should considser stopping HRT after 10 plus years, which would be me. They did not give the reasons why and also indicated that this is unknown terratory. My GP wanted me to stop HRT after 5 years, based on the evidence from the Women's Health Initiative, which Peter has spoken at length about. What is the concern now? What does Peter see as the risk/reward to taking HRT for more than 10 years.

Is zone two with a rower better?

Since many of the benefits of zone, two training are related to mitochondrial health improvement within the muscles, with an exercise that uses more muscle simultaneously such as rowing be a better modality for zone, two training, then cycling or walking? Rucking may then also be one of these that uses muscle simultaneously.

Fibromuscular dysplasia and decreasing risk

I have FMD and my mother does as well (she was diagnosed after SCAD of RCA and brain aneurysm), I've only been diagnosed b/c of imaging, single renal and bilateral carotid and vertebral artery involvement, feel like a ticking time bomb, also have high Lp (a) . I'm curious to know if there are any data on whether statin or any other therapy helps decrease events related to dissections specifically or are there any therapies that stabilize the wall/endothelial layer for those with this type of disease but not with any measurable atherosclerotic disease by CTA? I am metabolically healthy, BMI 22, non smoker, normotensive, exercise regularly, no detectable atherosclerotic disease on CTA (51 yo female) . Would be interested to hear an episode on FMD and the latest understanding of the pathophysiology and whether the therapies used for traditional ASCVD have any benefit.

Use of Acarbose in addition to/instead of SGLT-2 inhibitors and Akkermansia

Acarbose is an interesting product- it is well tolerated, helps stave off glucose spikes, and helps support the colon at a time when colon cancer is spiking upwards. I'd be interested to hear: 1/ why Peter no longer uses the product regularly. Was it the side effects (flatulence)? 2/ Would it make sense to use both SGLT-2 inhibitors (to lover overall blood sugar levels) and Acarbose (to blunt the blood sugar spikes and to provide butyrate to the colon)? 3/ are there any studies on how acarbose affects the GI microbiome? Since it sounds as if it effectively increases fiber-like products in the GI tract, do levels of akkermansia and other gut-heathy bacteria increase? 4/ It sounds as if Glucose Control is more similar to Acarbose than SGLT-2 inhibitors are in terms of mechanism of action- both Acarbose and Glucose Control avoiding glucose spikes, provide butyrate, etc. Would using both Acarbose and Glucose Control be reduntant? If so, what is the cost/benefit calculation for which to use? Glucose Control costs around $165 a month vs less than $30 for Acarbose, while some studies suggests that Acarbose reduces A1C more than Glucose Control does. There must be other reasons why Peter uses Glucose Control- would love to hear more about it