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Exogenous testosterone forms for females

In listening to the most recent podcasts on HRT, I’m curious why my Provider has cautioned against T cypionate injections for women. His warning is this non “bioavailable” form of T can induce coagulopathies eg: DVTs and the like. In the links Peter has included on the various show notes re HRT for females, I’m not finding any correlations to support this claim. And in looking at this through a different lens, my Provider sits on the board for BioT, which is a pellet manufacturer so I can see how he would be biased in pushing pellets over injections. I am currently taking exogenous T in the form of a troche (tried creams for 90 days with little change in my low T labs) however these are super inconvenient (4x w day dosing) and the ease of doing a sub q injection Thurs/Sunday would be wonderful. Pellets are also cost prohibitive, and I don’t like the peaks and valleys in terms of levels when on pellets. While I understand we don’t yet have the data to support T HRT in females, I’m hoping there will be more info diving into T cypionate injections for women and dispelling any misinformation associated w this. Sincerely, - A perimenopausal former athlete now full time mom/wife/nurse

What's the proper form to walk downhill?

You have stressed the importance of training eccentric strength to prevent falls and injury. When we walk/ruck/jog downhill, what's the proper form? Foot placement, body positioning. And how does this differ depending on whether we tend to supinate/pronate etc. TIA

HRT for Triple Negative Breast Cancer Post Treatment

I had been using exogenous Test Prop and Primo for over 14 years starting at age 58. I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer the beginner of 2023. I am now cancer free after standard of care treatment (chemo, surgery, radiation). My recent PET scan shows no signs of cancer. My tumor did show androgen receptors so my oncologist is concerned about taking any kind of test. My question to you is I am wanting to gain back some of the muscle I lost during treatment. I was 129 lbs, 60 lbs of muscle and 18% BF before treatment and now 115 lbs, 21% BF with only 48 lbs of muscle. I know you’ve talked about several non hormone avenues for muscle gain on your podcasts and would like more clarification of your thoughts about building muscle into our 60’s and 70’s without HRT. I know my mitochondrial health has been compromised with treatment and working on recovering their capacity to to become more effective at ATP production. Thank you for your amazing information on all your podcasts. I have also listened to your audio book “Outlive.” Great information to prepare early in life so we can be more prepared to fight health challlenges that may come our way.


Recent mouse and human studies suggest that this is a very promising supplement for older adults. Could you review the research, comment on its strength, any risks, and appropriate dosing. I note that common products use different proportions than the studies, claiming superior bioavailability. Assuming this is worth trying, I’m baffled by products and dosing. Help!

Mainstream doctors on Magnesium

I have concerns about bone health due to side effects of a medication that I am taking and will be taking for many more years. My internist, oncologist and endocrinologist all agree that i should be on Calcium and Vitamin D. Not one of them recommends magnesium, and in fact I specifically asked the endocrinologist about it - to which she advised that magnesium doesn't help bones. That was two years ago. I recently learned about you and your deep dive on magnesium. After listening to it, I wonder: How can there be such a disconnect within the field of medicine?