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Protein Powder

I am a 61 yr old woman with a spinal cord injury, the point of which is that I do absolutely as much exercise as possible but I clearly am not a body builder, but I want to age as well as possible, keep my muscle mass as good as possible, etc. All things Peter talks about. I simply cannot eat enough protein to get what I need (or at least based on his calculations) so I have a protein smoothie every day - with vanilla protein powder. Lately I've heard that could tax your kidneys and may not be a good source of protein. Any thoughts on pea protein powder as a reasonable source of added protein. My diet includes fish and some chicken but just can't eat that three times a day, my caloric needs are different than when I was younger and running around all the time! The information out there on pea protein powder is literally all over the place - it's completely unclear whether this is a reasonable source. Thank you!!!

Cheat Meal

Do you ever indulge? What is your go to cheat meal? Do you have any tips for enjoying treats without guilt and not falling off track.

Hydrogen water. Legit or gimmick?

I’ve been seeing more and more about drinking hydrogen water…water that has a higher concentration of hydrogen. Are you aware of any studies supporting or dismissing the claimed benefits of this? Example:

Follow lifestyle change of clients

what works best for you to follow/accompany a clients lifestyle change over a big distance? Just regular phone calls, Zoom, Mail, WhatsApp... or any other tools which are also capable of measuring activity, sleep, etc.?

Tinnitus - causes, drug correlations, treatments, long term impacts on longevity

Hi Peter and team, In a AMA, could you please cover tinnitus causes, drug correlations (I've heard some statins may play a role in the development of tinnitus) and long terms health impacts (any relationship to hearing loss and dementia link?). Tinnitus affects a significant portion of the aging population and at a minimum, tinnitus is a quality of life concern.