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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Protein/Christopher Gardner

I would be interested in Peter's response to Christopher Gardner's conclusions that the RDA of protein is more than sufficient. I have a militant vegan friend that I almost had turned around on this subject after I gave him a copy of Outlive. Then he found the attached podcast, and did a 180 back to his belief that he doesn't need to be concerned about his protein intake.

Statins vs PCSK9 inhibitors, safety long term?

How much safer are statins vs PCSK9 inhibitors? Are there any long term concerns such as cancer?

HRT and endometriosis

Loved the women’s health episode and have a Q. The only item not covered with HRT was low dose estrogen with previous confirmed endometriosis diagnosis. Even with complete hysterectomy (ovaries as well), is there any risk if for example the endo could still be present on ligaments to the bladder or in other areas within the abdominal cavity?

Type 2 diabetes and zone 2 training

Does zone 2 training work if a person is highly glycolytic (/has diabetes)? I do my zone 2 training in the morning, but my glucoselevels (as a type 2 diabetic) usually exceed 10 mmol/l when fasted. Do the mitochondria get taken out of the equation when I train with these high levels?

Cardiac sarcodosis

Hi Peter, could you talk about strategies to control cardiac sarcoidosis in remission without steriodes including perhaps anti-inflammatory supplements and other strategies? Thank you