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Farmer's carry

How much weight should I be able to carry in each hand for 1 min? I'm 67 years old.

overall mortality in dyslipidemia

Could we have reviewed or discussed? There is a bunch of all-cause mortality studies, seemingly associating dyslipidemia with reduced mortality. Most are non US based, while this recent paper is from the VETS (Veteran Exercise Testing Study). Not a field/literature I follow closely, but at first glance, authors seem credible, eg also published

GLYLO.... is it a no go?

I have been reading and listening to a few sources regarding “GLYLO”, a compound consisting of 5 supplements (alpha-lipoic acid, nicotinamide, piperine, pyridoxamine and thiamine… although it is actually pyridoxine in the real thing…). Anyway the scientist involved seems authentic (Dr Pankaj Kapahi of the BUCK institute). There is claimed evidence of improved insulin sensitivity, weight loss and life extension in both a worm and a mouse model, with a mechanism of action purported to be reduction of glycation. Obviously they are “planning” large mammal and human trials but in the meantime have rushed it to market…. Lots of claims (mostly unsubstantiated) about improved athletic performance, weight loss with a tendency to increase lean body mass, and improved glycaemic control. AND available on Amazon of course The scientist sounds genuine and interesting, and there is good evidence that glycation contributes to aging… Would you consider talking to him in a podcast? Is this just hype? Is he on the BUCK bandwagon?

comparing training for centurion decathlon

How would you compare training for a triathlon ( bike, running, swimming and weight training) to goals of improved health span and longevity? what would you add to the typical training regiment thst is not normally included?

New Nature article on untrustworthy RCTs

I would love to read or hear some commentary on this article posted a few days ago in Nature