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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMFs)

What are your views on the effects of EMF on long term health? I monitor my EMF levels with a portable meter by Trifield but occasionally exceed their recommended limits. Is there any research or experiment to validate the health impacts?

VO2 max

Can there be big discrepancies between measured VO2 max and estimated? I'm a lean 45 year old woman who stays active at baseline, works out 5-7 days per week doing a variety of aerobic (running, spinning, Insanity, P90X), strength, yoga/stretch. I can run 3-4 miles comfortably at a 9:30-10:00 minute mile pace. My predicted VO2 max would be in the low 40s, but my actual VO2 max came out at 32.4. During my lactate analysis, they stopped me at 6.7 mph, 1% grade based on HR. During the VO2 max test, I got up to 5.5 mph with a 9% grade (max HR 187). This is 12.8 METs or an estimated VO2 max of 44. I asked them to check the numbers again but they insist that my VO2 max is 32.4. Can that be right? Are there other factors that can influence this result (like someone with a high HR but lower perceived exertion)?

APOE 3/4 recommendation for high fish oil but AFIB risk or is there a risk?

I'm APOE 3/4 and have been avoiding high dose fish oil because of hearing on your podcast about AFIB risk. Just came across American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study ( that says it's not a risk. Should I or shouldn't I take a minimum of 2g of DHA/EPA a day?

When to start collect labs data for children?

At what age do you think is appropriate to start collect labs data for children? As a parent, I don't want to over-restrict kids from eating treats. This is obviously very subjective. Would it be feasible to let kids eat their junk food "in moderation"and forcibly cut back when the labs result crosses a threshold? Are the biomarker ranges you use applicable for children (say 3-15 yrs)?

Impact of donating blood on longevity

I have donated blood twice and intend to do so again. My iron levels were down the second time, but just high enough to donate. I’m now wondering what the broader impact of donating is, whether there are certain metrics to keep an eye on and how I might mitigate any impacts. For context I’m a 38 year old male with gout who eats lots of dark leafy greens but only a little red meat.