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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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RFK vaccine claims

Hi Peter - I love the pod. Keep up the great work. Id love you to address the vaccine related claims made by RFK. I guess in question form: Do we need to give our kids so many vaccinations? Are there any studies comparing a vaccinated cohort against an unvaccinated cohort and if so are there any significant findings of health problems in the vaccinated cohort? Many Thanks.

High LP(a) Zero CAC - should pharmacological intervention be pursued

I have been tracking my HDL/LDL/triglyceride #s for 20 years (all optimal…most recent: 75 HDL, 88 LDL, 15 VLDL, 73 Triglyceride). After purchasing Outlive, I persuaded my doctor to measure apoB and Lp(a) - per pages 128-130 of the book. apo(B) score of 70 (“optimal”) but my Lp(a) was high (144). I have a CAC score of zero. My doctor is not concerned by the Lp(a) score given the CAC score (10 year risk of event is considered low). As a devoted Drive member, I know to be concerned about risks beyond 10 years. I am wondering what pharmacological/other treatments Peter would advise for folks of similar phenotype.

Podcast guest suggestion

Not an AMA question. Have you considered having Dr. Stuart McGill on? Given Peter’s back injury history I think it would be worthwhile. Dr. McGill is brilliant and an excellent interview.

Repatha tolerance and side effects

Peter, love the show. Have become ardent listener. Considering reducing max dose of Rosuvastatin (have experienced low back pain and increase in HbA1C) in favor of Repatha. I know that you too take one. Could you please describe your own and clinical experience with Repatha side effects and overall tolerance? Thanks much.

Insumine Response to Exercise driven glucose peak?

Hi, I understand that when eating glucose, the increased concentration in the blood triggers an insuline response to lower that extra glucose. But when i exercise, lets say doing strength training on heavy loads, and see a peak of glucose on my CGM, does it also triggers an insuline response, or is it just showing the glucose metabolised by the liver sent to the muscles? Hence the muscles sucking up all the glucose play the role of the insuline?