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Night muscle cramp

A few times a month I will experience night muscle cramps / charley horse in one of my legs. I will abruptly wake up from sleep in pain. The only correlation I've observed is this happens the same or following evening of a hard leg strength training workout or VO2max effort on the bike. I'm curious if you have any advice to prevent these cramps. Thanks!

Boston Heart Statin Induced Myopathy Genotype Test SLC1B1

What do you think of this? The website stated approx 25% of people carry one or two copies of a variant that increases risk of myopathy by 4.5 fold-17 fold for side effects including “muscle aches, pains or weakness with significant creative kinase elevation.” This makes the discussion of statin tolerance so confusing. So is it known how many people actually have side effects that have the variant? And if there is elevated CK with symptoms what does that mean for multi system effects? Muscle loss or inflammation or kidney function etc? I am not versed in understanding the nuances of studies to understand how valid findings are which makes the controversy of statins by experts on both sides to be exceptionally difficult.

Hip Replacements - Can They Be Prevented?

Peter talks about avoiding injury as one gets older. I wonder about hip replacements, especially for people who exercise regularly. Is there something missing from exercise routines in that case or are they not preventable?

Best contraception for late teens/college

Loved 259 podcast. Sharon mentioned what she would recommend for her daughter but didn’t go into details. Would love to know what contraception has least side effects

Nicotine Pouches

Hi team, I confess to love tobacco-less, low dose Nicotine Pouches and noticed Dr Attia mention these on occasion, most notably the AMA #23 deep dive. Apart from the serious habit-forming dangers associated with Nicotine pouches, I was surprised there was no mention of Nicotine's impact on blood pressure and heart rate. Am I to assume this is negligible and not a risk when using Nicotine Pouches? Thank you!