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Hip and Knee Replacement Podcast NEEDED

I thought the podcast you did with Dr. Alton Barron was excellent! Given how important mobility is to quality and longevity of life, and how critical those two joints are to that, I think it is high time for a dedicated podcast on all things to be considered when faced with the decision of replacing a hip, and especially a knee. It would also be really helpful to include a follow up podcast on pre-op and post-op recovery and (p)rehabilitation work. Given the very long recovery for a knee replacement, and significant risks for complications, what should someone consider when evaluating this type of procedure. I.e. age considerations, useful life of a replacement, revisions down the road, different techniques and technologies employed by surgeons, timing considerations, etc... I am currently grappling with a decision for bilateral total knee replacements as an active and healthy 52 y/o. I can walk and ride my bike without meaningful pain, weight lifting seems to be in some part impacted, but downhill skiing is now very likely off the table. I think constantly about the trade-offs of knee replacement surgery--how do I maintain muscle mass and my high VO2 and aerobic fitness; how at risk is my basic mobility that is currently only minimally compromised; what about the very high quality time I am giving up with my kids and wife skiing on weekends--we have always been a family of skiers. Its hard to get into a detailed discussion around these things in a 30 minute office visit with an Orthopedic surgeon....but you could help me and countless others, I'm sure. Please?

Mark Hyman's company, Function Health

I recently joined the waitlist for Mark Hyman's startup, Function Health ( While the list of included tests appears exhaustive, I was interested to hear Peter's take on this service and whether or not this is a worthwhile approach for getting a baseline of information. Beyond the standard package, there is a cancer screening add-on (Multi-Cancer Detection Test, Galleri by Grail) that looks interesting, but feels too good to be true. I am a teenage cancer survivor, 10+ years into remission so this is an appealing option if it is in fact accurate.

Cardiovascular health in your 20s

If you're a fit 20-something but with an apob > 60, is it still a good idea to get on statins and reduce that as much as possible? More generally, what are some things people in their 20s can do to remain cardiovascularly fit?


I was tempted to take advantage of the Eight Sleep member discount (the most intriguing discount since I've been a member), however I looked at the EMF exposure information on the website and decided against it. I have a Ooler system (Chillipad) and have turned the Bluetooth off and do not connect to my phone. The only eight hours a person my get of EMF free time (if they are turning off the Wi-Fi, etc.) is while they sleep. I also have an Oura ring, which I get Bluetooth off, until the next morning, take ring off my finger, download data, turn Bluetooth off, return the ring to my finger. I would love thoughts on EMF exposure. Thank you.


Is Cologuard a reasonable alternative to a colonoscopy? Thank you.